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who is an indian

Excellent info from brother Damon. Virginia classifying bi-racials, aka mulatto, based on how white they look and Indian heritage. United States discussing the census numbers of Negro vs. Whites. It noted that White numbers are higher but the Negro numbers rose slightly due to Africans being imported. So who were the Negro’s prior to the Africans being imported? Washington granting citizenship to Indians that live in it’s boundaries (which DC Only) and stating that the citizenship does not impact their rights and citizenship only applies to those within the Washington jurisdiction (DC Only).

1 comentario 2 Excellent info from brother Damon. Virginia classifying bi-racials, aka mulatto, based on how white they look and Indian heritage. United States discussing the census numbers of Negro vs. Whites. It noted that White numbers are higher but the Negro numbers rose slightly due to Africans being imported. So who were the Negro’s prior to the Africans being imported? Washington granting citizenship to Indians that live in it’s boundaries (which DC Only) and stating that the citizenship does not impact their rights and citizenship only applies to those within the Washington jurisdiction (DC Only).

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