UNEXPECTED FACES IN ANCIENT AMERICA & GREECE A general amnesia seems to have clouded the fact that throughout history there have been migrations and great dispersals of people all over the world... America and Europe is no exception...
Before so called whites (Slavs / Slaves) and Mongols finally dominated Central, South America, and Europe, other races of people had long been established there and left an indelible mark on that territory...
Where is Ancient Greece if Modern Greece was established in 1830? The modern Greek cities don't fit the ancient descriptions, including Ancient Greek historians who wrote that Greece had hardly no harbors for ships and no rivers in the land! That's not describing the place now calling itself Greece—Or rather, it is not describing the place that began calling itself Greece in 1830...
Where is ancient Turkey if modern Turkey was created in 1923? The ORIGINAL place called Turkey, in the ancient writings, was given that name because of the abundance of turkeys found in that land, and; the 'pilgrims' famously, didn’t have what they needed to survive but thought it absolutely necessary to bring with them the book, 'The Complete history of Turkey’
“The turkey is a large bird in the genus Meleagris, which was native ONLY to the Americas." They knew ancient ‘Turkey’ was in the America’s, where the Turkeys were... Ancient Troy was known to be absolutely in the place called ‘Turkey’, where the Turkeys were... Genetic distances are closer between Greeks and Ethiopian / Sub-Saharan groups than to any other Mediterranean group... SOURCE; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11260506 “The Pelasgi were said to be of Phoenician origin” “These Phoenicians were called “Pelasgi” from their passing by sea , and wandering from one country to another” SOURCE; (Elisabeth Wilson, ‘Lights and Shadows of Ancient European Mythology, Language and History’; 1881) “These more ancient characters, called Pelasgic, were originally Phoenician” SOURCE; (Johann Joachim Eschenburg, ‘Manual of Classical Literature’; 1843) “The Pelasgic empire was at its meridian as early as 2500 B.C. This people came from the islands of the Ægean, and more remotely from Asia Minor. They were originally a branch of the sunburnt Hamitic stock” SOURCE; (The North American Review Volume 139; 1884) Higgins and Bernal include the Phoenicians as part of the black and dark skinned Pelasgi who overran the Greek Isles and much of the Near East… “The Phoenicians and Etruscans were the same people” SOURCE; (Godfrey Higgins, ‘The Celtic Druids’) “The Etruscan images, statues and vases, different from those of all other nations, though they sometimes seem to favor Egypt and Phoenicia” “The Etruscan language must have been the same, or nearly so, with the Hebrew and Phoenician” SOURCE; (An universal history, from the earliest accounts to the present time Volume 18; 1781) “The most ancient traditions induce us to believe that the Negroes were the first inhabitants of Mexico” SOURCE; (El Colegio de Mexico “Historia general de México”; 1919) “It is indisputable that in very ancient times...the Negro race occupied our territory (Mexico)...This race brought its own religious cults and ideals" SOURCE: (Mexico a traves de los siglos, Vol. I, pp. 63-67. Mexico, 1887.) “The Negro type is seen in the MOST ANCIENT Mexican sculpture, the Negroes figure frequently in the most remote traditions of some American pueblos. It is to this race doubtlessly belongs the MOST ANCIENT skeletons, DISTINCT FROM THE RED AMERICAN RACE, which have been found in various places from Bolivia to Mexico...It is likely that, we repeat, that long ago the 'youthful' America was also a Negro continent" SOURCE; (Carlos Cuervo Marquez, ‘Estudios Arquelogicos y Etnograficos. Vol. I’, pp. 270-73 Madrid; 1920.) “The oldest inhabitants of Mexico, according to some were Negroes. The existence of Negroes and of giants is commonly believed by nearly all the races of our soil and in their various languages they had words to designate them” “The almost total extinction of the Negroes during the time of the Spanish conquest and the memories of them in the most ancient traditions induce us to believe that the Negroes were the first inhabitants of Mexico” SOURCE; (“Historia-General de Mexico”; 1919)