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the tongue

Look at the colour A healthy tongue should: Be pinkish in colour A dark red shade: Indicates inflammation A brownish or black discolouration of the tongue is caused due of excess consumption of tobacco, gutka and paan. A strawberry pink tongue could indicate the onset of scarlet fever or Kawasaki disease A thick white coating could be due to the over-secretion of bile in the liver and gall bladder. When the tongue turns blue or purple, it’s time to seek urgent medical help. White patches can indicate a fungal infection or leukoplakia. Look at the surface: A healthy person’s tongue must be light pink and moist. Lack of normal texture called as bald tongue can occur due to deficiency of Vitamin B complex or Iron. Patches or spots means the person could be prone to allergies. A dry tongue is a sign of stress, since the salivary glands are not functioning at optimum level. Share It ! LIKE My Health Tips

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