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The Clintons

Disgusting: Clinton Snared In Pedophile RingWill having friends in high places exempt him from the rule of law?Share Tweet EmailAvatar of Kris Zane Kris Zane — March 27, 2014According to former child sex slave Virginia Roberts and a class action lawsuit against convicted billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, former President Bill Clinton was present during sex parties involving up to twenty underage girls at Epstein’s secluded island in the Caribbean.

That flight records show Clinton was flown on numerous occasions to the island on Epstein’s private jet. Clinton had a close relationship with an employee of Epstein’s who compiled thousands of photos of nude young girls posed in lewd positions. And these photos were used as a catalog for Epstein to loan out his girls to powerful politicians and British royalty, including Bill Clinton.

According to the lawsuit:Advertisement …Clinton was friends with an unnamed woman who “kept images of naked underage children on her computer, helped to recruit underage children for Epstein… and photographed underage females in sexually explicit poses.”While Epstein was indicted and jailed for his pedophilia, Bill Clinton oddly has remained unscathed, more than likely by having friends in high places.If Bill Clinton is in fact a pedophile, will the American people demand that he be put away for a very long time so that he can’t hurt any more children? Or will having friends in high places exempt him from the rule of law?Time will tell.Read more at…/…

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