The origin of ST. PATRICK’S DAY.
The Protectors of the Gold at the End of the Rainbow
The first bit of symbolism that we’re going to decode is that of the Leprechaun and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The Leprechaun was thought to be a type of fairy who dressed in a green or red coat and worked as a shoemaker. These Leprechauns would save their earnings, in the form of gold coins, in a pot and the end of a rainbow. It was thought that if you could capture one of them that they would grant you three wishes. The name “Leprechaun” comes from the Old Irish luchorpán, a compound of the roots lú (small) and corp (body).
It turns out that the Leprechauns of legend were actually people from Africa known as the Twa. These Twa were diminutive men and women (luchorpán) that grew to a height of about 4’11”. They migrated into Ireland many thousands of years ago. The Twa were craftsman and had advanced knowledge of medicine, metallurgy, textile and clothing manufacturing and apparently shoe-making, which Caucasians thought was “magical”. So we find that it was the Twa people that have come to be known as Leprechauns.
In the book “Ancient and Modern Britons by David MacRitchie” it is stated: “That the wild tribes of Ireland were black men is hinted by the fact that “a wild Irishman” is in Gaelic “a black Irishman” (Dubh Eireannach)”. The word “Dubh” in Gaelic is “Black”.
It is the Twa that St. Patrick “chased out of Ireland”. The story of the holiday is actually a veiled attempt to cover up genocide, as St. Patrick lead the charge to hunt these men and women down to kill them.
Why Chase Serpents?
According to legend, St. Patrick was well known for “chasing the serpents out of Ireland”. Now on the outside they make it sound like some miracle that he saved the people from deadly serpents. There is in fact no evidence that real serpents ever existed in Ireland. But if you understand that the “serpents” they are speaking of are really a symbol for something else, this particular plot point in the story becomes a lot more interesting. As will be demonstrated below the “serpents” of the story are an allusion to the people of African descent (the Twa) who lived in Ireland.
Its important to note, that in addition to Twa, some of the names for our people include; Naga, Nagar and Negus, which means loosely “serpent people” or “people of the serpent”. The name is also synonymous with Pharaohs and Kings. In many African cultures the serpent is not a symbol of evil but one of eternal life, regeneration, power, protection and wisdom.
Chasing the serpents out of Ireland is a metaphor for genocide.
So what St. Patrick is really famous for, is waging a genocidal war against the indigenous people of Ireland who had migrated there many thousands of years before the Caucasians and before Christianity, who where African (and coincidentally, thought to be Pagan). For more information about the connection between the Twa (Africans) and Leprechauns check out this article from the Cultural Health News Blog entitled Irish Leprechauns Were Originally Black?
There is another really good article titles Leprechauns Were Really Little African Men at
The Rainbow
Esoterically the rainbow is an allegory for the Chakras, and chasing the pot of gold at the end of it represents a spiritual journey for the seeker on the path to enlightenment. The Leprechaun represents the “protector” of the gold and his primary color is green. So – if you are attempting to rise from your lower nature which resides in your lower chakras (red, orange, yellow), then your heart chakra (which is green) is the gateway to the realm of the higher nature and the more spiritualized chakras of power (blue), intuition (purple), insight (indigo,white) and your connection to the universal consciousness (GOD/GODDESS), which has been likened to finding “gold”.
3 Wishes
As for the 3 wishes… there are 3 glands in your brain that when spiritually activated are said to be able to grant the power to grant your wishes. These glands are the Pineal, Pituitary and the Hypothalamus. In the story of Jesus these glands are called the “3 Wise Men”, who came to visit the “Christ” bearing gifts.
If you’re interested in reference materials about the African presence in the British Isles and Ireland check out the book Ancient and Modern Britons by David MacRitchie.
Should You Celebrate?
People who know the true history behind the story of St. Patrick’s day often look down upon “black” people who celebrate the holiday out of ignorance not knowing the history of the genocide that St. Patrick committed against the Twa. Other people say “what’s the harm in it, it’s just clean fun.”
I think that there may be something more to it. Every year it seems that I see more and more so called “black” people taking part in the St.Patrick’s holiday festivities, dressing up as Leprechauns with shirts that say “Kiss Me, I’m Irish”. I think that this is more than just a fad amongst our people. I think that this is a form of Genetic Memory bubbling back up to the surface of the Collective Unconscious of “black” folk who so readily identify with all of the trappings of the holiday. We are descended from the people of Africa and the people known as the Twa who later on where thought of as Leprechauns; the protectors of the “gold at the end of the rainbow” (translated: the secret knowledge of spiritual enlightenment).
Whatever you think about the holiday, now that you have some additional facts about it, its up to you to decide whether you want to participate in it or not.
As for me… I choose to remain a conscientious observer.