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Where did Caucasians come from? How do we Know? Prove it.

“Their transcripts are Sanskrit”

Many want to say they mutated during the so-called Ice Age.

As a whole, the young sub-species is young enough to have spoken sanskrit but for some reason or another they had forgotten the Sanskrit writing system. After their alienation north of the Caucasus, The Germanic Tribes invaded Rome adopting the Latin Alphabet and Writing System. Prior to their invasion, the oral Germanic language derived from Sanskrit. Meaning, once upon a time these were Sanskrit speaking people. So how did they become alienated? How did they acquire the Neanderthal Gene? Are they Domesticated or Indigenous?

Language – Statistics Mitochondrian – Y Chromosome DNA – HaploGroups

Racism? No!!! Facts and Only The Facts? Yes!!

Point Him Out

We are not racially biased. We are biased TOWARDS real facts. We challenge anyone to show us which statements below are not facts:

Facts Regarding the Caucasian

FACT: It is a fact that white people are the ONLY people in the history of the world to colonize the entire Western Hemisphere

FACT: It is a fact that White people are the ONLY people in the world to steal 25% of the world’s wealth including land, gold, diamonds, oil, trees, gas.

FACT: It is a fact that White people are the ONLY people in the world kill 75 to 100 million people in order to steal their land and wealth.

FACT: It is a fact that ONLY White people inflicted the largest holocaust in the history of the world.

FACT: It is a fact that white people are the ONLY people in the history of the world to colonize or attempt to colonize the entire world.

FACT: It is a fact that white ONLY people have inflicted more genocide and exterminated more languages, cultures and people than any other people in the history of the world.

FACT: It is a fact that ONLY White people created the most devastating wars in the history of humanity with WWI and WW2.

FACT: It is a fact that White people are the ONLY people in the world to drop one or more atomic bombs on people intentionally killing hundreds of thousands of people of color with each bomb.

FACT: It is a fact that white people have created more destruction on Mother Earth than any other group of people.

FACT: It is a fact that decrees by the white Christian Catholic church gave the entire world to white people in the greatest act of theft in the history of humanity.

FACT: It is a fact that white people, who make up a mere 15% of the world population, consume more that 85% of the Mother Earth’s resources being consumed.

FACT: It is a fact that White people have brought humanity to the verge of extinction with their analytical “inventions”of weapons of mass destruction.

FACT: It is a fact that White people have led in the pollution of the world with their analytical “inventions” of machinery.

FACT: It is a fact that White people have the entire world operating, the European way, putting everyone in a rat race, scrambling for food, money and resources via the analytical-time bound-productivity paradigm and that this way of living on and interacting with Mother Earth, other human’s, plants and animals and the universe has never before existed in the history of humanity prior to white people.

FACT: It is a fact that white people are the ONLY people on the planet to to go though a hellish year Dark Ages with no system of social order for 1,000 years where the norm was war, murder, theft, lawlessness, fear, ignorance, disease, fifth, barbarism and insanity.

FACT: It is a fact that white people have operated in the European Way, which we call the analytical-time bound-productivity paradigm, for thousands of years since the Roman Empire and before.

FACT: It is a fact that the European Way crashed has already proved to be a failed system for long term human survival with the hellish 1,000 year European Dark Ages.

FACT: It is a fact that the crashed European system could not be revived without an infusion of wealth with the theft of 25% of the world’s wealth–the Western Hemisphere.

QUESTION: Is it merely a coincidence that ALL of the above is unique ONLY to white people and that white people lead in the world’s major areas of horror and insanity while merely being 15% minority on the planet? Ponder this while you continue reading FACTS.

Part 2 continued from part 1 – <b><b>White and Brown People Revealing Aspects of White People</b> </b>‪#‎FactsAndOnlyTheFacts‬

FACT: It is a fact that Chief Seattle, chief of the Suquamis said the following generalize statement about all white people and it is NOT racist but merely a statement from a non-domesticated Native’s perspective, “The white man’s dead forget the country of their birth when they go to walk among the stars. Our dead never forget this beautiful earth, for it is the mother of the red man”

FACT: It is a fact an anonymous Huron in the 1700’s said the following generalize statement about all white people and it is NOT racist but merely a statement from a non-domesticated Native’s perspective, “We are born free and united brothers, each as much as great lord as the other, while you are slaves of onesole man. I am the master of my body, Idispose of myself, I do what I wish, I am the first and the last of my nation”. . . . Subject only to the Great Spirit.”

FACT: It is a fact that Chief Seattle, chief of the Suquamis said the following generalize statement about all white people and it is NOT racist but merely a statement from a non-domesticated Native’s perspective, “the air is precious to the red man for all things share the same breath, the beast, the tree, the man, they all share the same breath. The white man does not seem to notice the air he breathes. Like a man dying for many days he is numb to the stench.

FACT: It is a fact that Black Hawk, Sauk said the following generalize statement about all white people and it is NOT racist but merely a statement from a non-domesticated Native’s perspective, “How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make right look like wrong, and wrong like right.”

FACT: It is a fact that Tecumseh, of the Shawnee Nation said the following generalize statement about all white people and it is NOT racist but merely a statement from a non-domesticated Native’s perspective, “Where today are the Pequot? Where are the Narragansett, the Mohican, the Pokanoket, and many other once powerful tribes of our people? They have vanished before the avarice and the oppression of the White Man, as snow before a summer sun.”

FACT: It is a fact that Crazy Horse/Tashunkewitko, Oglala said the following generalize statement about all white people and it is NOT racist but merely a statement from a non-domesticated Native’s perspective “we did not ask you white men to come here. The Great Spirit gave us this country as a home. You had yours.

FACT: It is a fact that Chief Seattle, chief of the Suquamis said the following generalize statement about all white people and it is NOT racist but merely a statement from a non-domesticated Native’s perspective, “we know that the white man does not understand our ways. One portion of land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs” said the following generalize statement about all white people and it is NOT racist but merely a fact stated from a non-domesticated Native’s perspective, ”

FACT: It is a fact that Chief Seattle, chief of the Suquamis said the following generalize statement about all white people and it is NOT racist but merely a statement from a non-domesticated Native’s perspective, ” the sight of your cities pains the eyes of the red man. There is no quiet place in the white man’s cities.” said the following generalize statement about all white people and it is NOT racist but merely a fact stated from a non-domesticated Native’s perspective, ”

FACT: It is a fact that J.D.C. Atkins, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, in 1886 said “The Indian must be imbued with the exalting egotism of American civilization so that he will say “I”instead of “We,” and “This is mine” instead of “This is ours.”

FACT: It is a fact that in the movie Seven Years in Tibet the following was stated: Brad Pitt is smiling and showing a pretty Brown Tibeten lady his gold medal from the Olympics. The lady says:“And this is the difference between our civilizations. You admire the person who pushes his way to the top in any endeavor of life. We admire the person who abandons his ego. “

FACT: It is a fact that the following generalize statement was made in regards to all white people in the movie The War Wagon, 1967 with John Wayne and it is NOT racist but merely a statement from Native who has begun to be domesticated into the European ways. John Wayne and his domesticated Indian side kick Levi Walking Bear visited an Indian camp and the Domesticated Indian Levi Walking Bear said: “Dumb Indians”, . . . “Pierce will take all of their land”, , , , “Dumb Indians”. . . .. John Wayne said: “And you are smart?”Levi Walking Bear said, “sure cause I have learned to live in the white man’s world. Do what they do. Grab all you can any time you can.”

FACT: It is a fact that the statement above regarding white people being selfish and greedy and white way being one of selfishness and greed is NOT racist but merely a reflection of history.

FACT: It is a fact that the Lakota name for white people is Wasicu, which translates into keepers of the fat or in other words greedy people.

FACT: It is a fact that hoarders are mentally ill people

FACT: It is a fact that the following Native quote is a reflection of white people’s selfishness, “only after the last tree has been cut down, Only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, Only then will the white man find that money cannot be eaten.”

FACT: It is a fact that Adam Smith wrote a book and published it in 1776 which defines Western Civilization (White people’s civilization) and the human nature behind it, and this book titled The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations is considered worldwide to be the bible of Western Civilization (white people) and in this book he says that society works best (and he is speaking of white society) when each individual looks out for his or her own self interest (selfishness).

FACT: It is a fact that Adam Smith, the undisputed definer of white people’s civilization is saying that selfishness and self focus is nature of “civilized” humans and the way things should work.

FACT: It is a fact that selfishness and self focus is NOT how Natives lived prior to contact with Europeans. It is a fact that Natives lived in communal tribal systems where giving was the highest value.

FACT: : It is a fact that selfishness and self focus of the white worldview are the foundations for modern civilization, and that greed, hording, non-caring and the lack of love that causes the massive pain, pollution, poverty of the world today is created by this selfishness and self focus.

FACT: It is a fact that Frank Baum, author of The Wizard of Oz upon hearing of the death of the Sitting Bull wrote an editorial for the Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer calling for the extermination of all remaining Natives. The editorial was published on December 20, 1890, five days after the Chief was killed while being kidnapped at the Standing Rock Agency in South Dakota.

FACT: It is a fact that Frank Baum in the editorial stated “Sitting Bull, most renowned Sioux of modern history, is dead. He was an Indian with a white man’s spirit of hatred and revenge for those who had wronged him and his.

FACT: It is a fact that Frank Baum in the editorial stated, “And these, his conquerors (white people), were marked in their dealings with his (Sitting Bull’s people) people by selfishness, falsehood and treachery.

FACT: It is a fact that Frank Baum, who was 100% for white rights, white people, Manifest Destiny and the exterminations of all Natives, was saying that white people have a spirit of hatred and deal through selfishness, falsehood and treachery.

FACT: It is a fact that what Baum is saying matches what Adam Smith says about the nature of civilized people (white people) and white society being one based upon selfishness. And that this matches with what all of the Chiefs above said about white people and what J.D.C. Atkins, Commissioner of Indian Affairs was saying about the differences in white people and natural people and this matches with what the Brown Tibeten lady said about the difference between white people and Natural people and what Levi Walking Bear said above in regards to white people being selfish and ego based and very different from Natural people.

Part 3 continued from part 2 – <b>All People are Not Created Equal</b> #FactsAndOnlyTheFacts

FACT: : It is a fact that selfishness and self focus are the result of a “fear” worldview which results from a fragmentation and separation based worldview.

FACT: It is a fact that the white way is the way of selfishness, ego and fragmentation and taking and stealing all that you can anytime you can.

FACT: It is a fact that White people in general, as a people, are very different from all “natural” people on the planet.

FACT: It is a fact the generalizations above regarding white people made by the Native chiefs WAS not racism but were facts regarding the difference between the two people made from more of a non-domesticated Native perspective.

FACT: It is a fact that if a Native made the comments above TODAY he would be called a racist but in reality this Native is merely seeing from a non-domesticated Native’s perspective.

FACT: It is a fact Natives today making generalizations regarding white people, when seeing from a non-domesticated and non-assimilate Native perspective are NOT being racist, they are merely seeing from the non-assimilated Native perspective.

FACT: It is a fact that prior to contact there were clear differences between all white people and all Natives as seen in the quotes above by white people and Natives and thus accurate generalizations regarding white people based upon facts are not racist statements.

FACT: It is a fact that this video shows clear differences in the white world view of separateness and the Indigenous worldview of wholeness and thus the difference between white people and Natives. Video – The White Way Vs The Indigenous Way…/enoughness_restoring_balan…/

FACT: It is a fact that the difference in white people and Natives was that white people have an analytical fragmented worldview based upon fear and separation and had created a world based upon this and that and Natural people “had” a holistic natural synthesized world view of oneness and had created a world based upon that.

FACT: It is a fact that white people intentionally set out to destroy the Native and Indigenous worldview of oneness and replace it with the white world view of fear and fragmentation, separation and analysis.

FACT: It is a fact that white people several decades ago discovered what our people have known for thousands of years that what we perceive with our five senses is an illusion and the unseen world is the real world.

FACT: It is a fact that that most “advanced white science” on the planet–Quantum Physics says: Copenhagen principle number one: There is NO object reality. Copenhagen principle number two says we create reality out of our expectations.

FACT: It is a fact This is what the most “advanced white science” and the most “advanced white scientists” on the planet say and believe today. There is NO reality to carefully measure with careful observations.

FACT: It is a fact the thinking that white people call science is mere superstition based upon what quantum physic has revealed.

FACT: It is a fact white people have done everything that they have done all of the evil, killing, stealing, polluting, inventing, conquering based upon science and it has ALL been wrong because it based upon primitive superstition. Part 4 continued from part 3 – The nature of Brown #FactsAndOnlyTheFacts

FACT: It is a fact that groups of people are different than other groups of people and pointing out factual differences is not racist..

FACT: It is a fact that some groups are more different than other groups. FACT: It is a fact that no two things in the universe are equal so the notion that all “men” are created equal is false.

FACT: It is a fact that Bartolemede Las Casas, in his book a Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies(1542) said “And of all the infinite universe of humanity,these people are the most guileless, the most devoid of wickedness and duplicity, the most obedient and faithful. . .They are by nature the most humble, patient, and peaceable, holding no grudges, free from embroilments, neither excitable nor quarrelsome. These people are the most devoid of rancors,hatreds, or desire for vengeance of any people in the world. . . . . .they are not arrogant, embittered, or greedy. Asto their dress, they are generally naked, with only their pudenda covered somewhat. They are very clean in their persons, with alert, intelligent minds, docile and open . . . and to behave in a godly fashion. Some of the secular Spaniards who have been here for many years say that the goodness of the Indians is undeniable.”

FACT: It is a fact that Christopher Columbus did say, “The Indians are so naive and so free with their possessions that no one who has not witnessed them would believe it. When you ask for something they have, they never say no. To the contrary, they offer to share with anyone. . . .”

FACT: It is a fact that nobody is on record anywhere in the world as saying anything similar to the above regarding white people.

FACT: FACT: It is a fact war did not exist, as supported by the white archeological record, prior to 6,000 years ago before white people were on the planet (as explained in the next section).

FACT: It is a fact that in 1889 white “wild west” artist, Fredrick Remington said,“no white man can ever penetrate the mystery of the Indian mind nor explain the reason of their acts.” He said, “the red man is a mass of glaring incongruities. He . . . is constant and inconstant at such unusual times, that I often think he has no mental process . . . .”

FACT: It is a fact that Remington was not alone and that most white people in contact with “uninfected” Indians since 1492 shared the belief that the Indian and the white man were permanently separated by “an impassable gulf”. And this is why indigenous people had and have to be exterminated either physically or mentally. It is a fact that in 1889, 400 years after the invasion, some of our thinking was still so different from white people’s thinking that could not even understand why they did things nor could they understand why we did things. We had completely different worldviews and experienced different realities.

FACT: It is a fact prior to the assimilation of Brown people into the into the Euro Borge we were very different beings with different natures who were experiencing different realities.

Part 5 continued from part 4 – Forced Brown people to their white system #FactsAndOnlyTheFacts

FACT: It is a fact that White people intentionally sought to kill the Indian save the man.

FACT: It is a fact that White people forced Natural people out of balanced societies and social systems and forced them to adopt the unbalanced and unnatural European way of thinking, being, living, competing, polluting of Europe. It is a fact that our names, languages, ceremonies all were intentionally and forcibly destroyed and replaced with those of Europe.

FACT: It is a fact that white people forced people of color worldwide onto the European paradigm of human nature and wealth creation, living, culture, spirituality via slavery, colonization.

FACT: It is a fact that the selfishness and self focus of white people was forced onto the Brown people of the world through kidnapping, murder, torture, slavery, colonization, domestication, brainwashing, holocaust, genocide, the Stockholm syndrome and today the entire world operates based upon the forced ego-selfish white foundation.

FACT: It is a fact that all of the polluting, raping, theft and warring that Brown people now do, like White people, is ONLY because we are now living the white way as forced onto Brown people by White people

FACT: It is a fact that today Brown people are being domesticated away from the ways of our Natural Ancestors like domesticating a natural Buffalo into a an artificial spiritless cow.

FACT: It is a fact that in the modern world in order to meet our living needs we must now murder, rape and steal each day. And that each need that we meet is done in unsustainable ways that is harming all plants and animals and people on the planet and for at least one 1/2 million years into the the future.

FACT: It is a fact that the ONLY way not to be a murderer, rapist and thief is to return to the family interdependent communal way of living.

Part 6 continued from part 5 – Why are there differences

FACT: It is a fact that white people, according to the latest “white” science, have only been on the planet for 6,000 years. FACT: It is a fact that white people being only 6,000 years old as mere babies when compared to people of color who at a minimum have been on the planet for hundreds of thousands of years even according to white science. We are not racially biased. We are biased TOWARDS real facts. We challenge anyone to show us which statements below and in this series are not facts.

FACT: It is a fact that most white science and scientist today says that white people naturally evolved from Brown Africans.

FACT: It is a fact that there were Brown people living in the Americas at the same latitude as Europe, and further North, 30,000 to 50,000 years ago and these Brown people did not turn white through natural selection due to climate, latitude and Northern Environments. It is a fact that the above brings into question the notion that light skin naturally evolves from cold or Northern environments and latitude or any other natural means.

FACT: It is a fact that evolution says that beings evolve for the environment that they are in and Nature selects for the traits which best fits an environment.

FACT: It is a fact that white, pale or non-melaninated skin is not the best fit for an environment or planet with a sun at the distance Earth is from the sun.

FACT: It is a fact that there are no naturally evolved animals living on the surface of planet Earth, unprotected by dense rain forest foliage or hair with white, pale skin or non-melaninated skin.

FACT: It is a fact that White people cannot tolerate natural sun light of planet Earth and are not well adapted or evolved or suited for a planet with a sun at the distance Earth is from the sun.

FACT: It is a fact that according to the laws of evolution it is not logical or reasonable or intelligent to conclude that white people naturally evolved on a planet with a sun at the distance Earth is from the sun.

Fact: It is a fact that natural selection is NOT the most scientific nor logical theory regarding how white people came to be on the planet.

FACT: It is a fact that, though logical deduction, if white people did not evolve through natural selection then they must have evolved through artificial selection as someone, at some point, sought to make a different kind of human than Original or Natural humans.

FACT: It is a fact that with simple logical deduction artificial selection is the most logical and thus the most “scientific” theory regarding the appearance of White people on the planet.

FACT: It is a fact that today, as shown in documentaries such as Future Scape, people are working to artificially create better and more superior humans through a range of artificial means and that few people are alarmed at these actions.

FACT: It is a fact that if creating artificial humans today, to be superior humans, is no big deal, then saying that white people were created through artificial means, to be superior humans, is no big deal and not racist but merely a fact.

FACT: It is a fact that domesticated animals are created by humans through artificial selection and that human’s have domesticated many artificial animals from natural animals: dogs from wolves, chickens from pheasant, cows from buffalo, pigs from boar, “domesticates” from Original or Natural people.

FACT: It is a fact that the technology to create artificial animals (cows, pigs, chickens, dogs, white people) via artificial selection is 6,000+ years old–the age of white people.

FACT: It is a fact that if humans today are working to create superior humans to replace current humans with the technology available today, then it is reasonable to conclude that humans have tried creating superior humans in the past and that artificial selection would be the tool used for this task 6,000 years ago, since 6,000 years ago this technology was being used on other animals.

FACT: It is a fact that it is logical to conclude that if someone set out to create a human superior to Original or Natural humans then they would select for traits that would allow superior humans to have dominion over the other group or groups such as being aggressive, competitive, dominating, inquisitive, pushy, violent, manipulative, controlling, egotistical, fragmented or analytical.

FACT: It is a fact that artificial selection explains why a small 15% minority group can dominate the 85% of Brown people since via artificial selection an animal can be bred to do whatever the breeder desires.

FACT: It is a fact that artificial selection explains why a small 22% minority group of illegal alien immigrant invaders on Turtle Island can con the world, and the Natives, into thinking that they, the 22% minority, are the majority and the 66% Native majority is the smallest of all minorities and also that the vast majority of Natives are another race and illegal, immigrants, aliens and undocumented in the Native’s own homeland. Again this is true because via artificial selection the breeder can select for traits such as superior manipulation, theft, lying, deceit and conning.

FACT: It is a fact that artificial selection explains why White people are so different from all of the Brown people on the planet as explained in Parts 3, 4 and 5 of this series for example where white supremacist Frank Baum says white people have a spirit of hatred unique to them.

FACT: It is a fact that the most logical explanation for the ideas regarding white supremacy, manifest destiny, kill the Indian save the man, white people being superior humans and white people being the nature heirs to all of the planet comes from the fact that from their creation, as superior humans they were created to think this, be this and create this reality.

FACT: It is a fact that White people lead the world and dominate virtually every aspect of the artificial world. It is a fact that you can turn on your TV and flip though 200 channels and on virtually every channel there will be white people or a few “white like people” explaining, teaching, showing, creating, saving, controlling, manipulating, discovering, leading, talking on every possible subject.

FACT: It is a fact that globally all colored peoples world wide are following White people, their thinking, their worldview, their way of interacting with Mother Earth and Nature.

FACT: It is a fact that White people are artificial people and domesticated people.

FACT: It is a fact that artificial people have a preference for the artificial.

FACT: It is a fact that artificial people are on a path to exterminate/domesticated ALL natural life on Mother Earth and replace it with artificial life that they create.

FACT: It is a fact that the artificial white people are domesticating all colored people on the planet to be domesticates like they are–kill the Indian save the man.

FACT: It is a fact that since white people are exterminating the life that God created and replacing it with the life that they have created this puts them into a war with God

FACT: It is a fact that there is only one being in the universe who goes to war with God and this is the devil.

FACT: It is a fact that artificial White people are superior to natural Brown people in the modern artificial world in the areas of analysis, selfishness, manipulation, fragmentation, greed, being shrewd, hatred, domestication, logic, education, sophistication, competition, theft, conning, lying, fear, marketing, evil. However, Natural Brown people are superior to white people at soul, connectedness, oneness, love, spirit, collaboration, cooperation, Wakan Tanka.

FACT: It is a fact that White people are superior to natural Brown people in artificial, fragmented environments, however, Natural Brown people are superior to white people in natural, whole, soulful environments connected to Mother Earth and Wakan Tanka.

FACT: It is a fact that White people are superior to natural Brown people when it comes to having dominion over Mother Earth and eating her breast but inferior to Brown Natural people when it comes to living in harmony with Mother Earth and only taking the breast milk from her breasts at the rate at which she produces it.

FACT: It is a fact that White people, being the domesticators of colored people, are our Creator–our God. It is a fact that White people have domesticated us and thus created us in their imagine as we aspire to “be like them and nobody else but them”. Yes, painful to hear but it is a fact that, for all intents and purposes, they are our Creator and virtually everything that we know and think comes from them and this explains why we follow them so blindly with our actions.

FACT: It is a fact that artificial domesticates are superior at being devils and doing evil to Original and Natural people.

FACT: It is a fact that the differences in domesticates and Original or Natural people is due not only to socialization but also differences in DNA as artificial selection would produce.

FACT: It is a fact that Natural brown people MUST return to the world where we are superior and live in the ways where we are superior and stop following white people in their world where we will always be inferior or the only future for Natural Brown people is extinction.

FACT: It is a fact that if you allow your two year old to drive the family car while the adults sit in the back seat the entire family will be killed.

FACT: It is a fact that a problem cannot be solved from the same thinking that created it and the white worldview of white people is what has created ALL of the world’s problems. .

FACT: It is a fact that “Those who return to the ways given to us in the original teachings, and live a natural way of life will not be touched by the coming of the Purifier. They will survive and build the new world.” “Those who cannot celebrate the change and the coming of the new dispensation will drop dead from their own fear” Hopi Prophecy.

FACT: It is a fact that we are not racially biased. We are biased TOWARDS real facts. We challenge anyone to show us which statements above and in this series are not facts:

To Be Continued . . . .

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