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This is a letter to the editor from the 1800’s…

A letter to the editor is a letter sent to a publication about issues of concern from its readers…

In this letter, we have a so called white Irish immigrant living in the U.S. asking if it’s true that “Blackamoors” are to give them laws and to make them pay taxes…

He even goes so far as to say that he’s living in Abyssinia (Ethiopia), and that the captain took him there instead of to America…

These “Blackamoors”, that he’s referring to, as you will soon see, are U.S. senators, congressmen, and the President of the U.S.

We have their REAL photos…

Concocted pseudonyms and false narratives were devised by The Library of Congress historians during the Eisenhower administration…

The Library of Congress was digitized, edited and fabricated in 1994…

Google was founded in 1998…

Enter the great reset where “Black = African slave” and “white = Europe & Mastery”

Before the advent of Google in 1998, how did any of you know what any of these civil war era historical personages truly looked like?????

In what primary and firsthand historical accounts are they described as being pale, pallid or white skinned Caucasians??????

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