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Moorish founding fathers of the USA

The Constitution came from our ancient laws and Hebrew laws, the Iroquois Confederacy also known as the Continental Congress. The Moors was the majority in all those groups, including the Union. Code name for Moors were Free Blacks, Free Negros, Free People Of Color, Black Indians, Blackamoor or free native inhabitant as stated by the Dred Scott case. “Those who made significant intellectual contributions to the Constitution are called the “Founding Fathers” of our country” – The U.S. Constitution And Fascinating Facts About It by Terry Jordan. If the Moors were the majority and was always there guiding the formation of government, guess who the majority of the founding fathers are? In masonic language the “Framers” of the document and foundation of government. The Constitution have many things to do with Moor, but Moors who have been de-naturalized have to get back within the fold of the Constitution and Union to be True American Citizens and proper Moorish Americans. This book is a good read, however it should have “Republic” on it instead of “Democracy”. Ancient government never dealt with Democracy, neither is the word Democracy, Democrat written in the Constitution.

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