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i cant

I CAN’T GET NO SATISFACTION!!! Be it Indian, Moors, Latino, Blacks, West Indian, Moroons, Negro, Colored, African, Afro-American or African American. They all should be classified for what they really are; derogatory ethnic slurs placed on a people by white colonizers. Since white people are the last genetically produced race on this planet, then what gives them the right to name Aboriginal people, and what’s even more alarming, why are people of color still accepting and trying to justify these ethnic slurs? The very first Africans were white Romans! (ARIF, SAY IT AIN’T SO) – Yep, the 1st time the name Africa ever appeared anywhere it was on a coin minted in 136 AD under the Roman Emperor Hadrian, and it had a white mans face on it. In 202 BC General Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus defeated the Punic General Hannibal in the battle of Zama, and the area they conquered was renamed “Africanus Procunsularis.” It became his providence and he became known as Scippio Africanus. This wasn’t the first time the Romans renamed countries and cities. The Romans also renamed Canaan to Palestine, Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina and Carthage to Libya. Usually, the name honored a general or some other royal family member and it was done to blot out any remembrance of who the defeated people were. I know you heard stuff about Afri the Berbers, Afer, Afu Ra Ka or ifriqia the Arab, but this is tantamount to spending 75 years trying to get the word Negro capitalized, only to have them give you a new slur. Africa is a huge and diverse continent. It is the second largest and second most populated on Earth, containing over 54 recognized countries and 1,500 spoken languages, and over a 1000 different ethnicities (tribes). So-called Africans have more genetic variations than any people on earth. From the 7 to 8ft. Watusi, the 4 ft. Pygmy, the very black skinned-Sudanese to the light-skinned Sans. Many so-called Africans will acknowledge their tribes migrated to Africa from other lands i.e. India, East Asia, Arabia, Yemen or even America. Do you realize that 13 million Asian immigrants came to the United States in 2017, and it’s also estimated that 23 million combined legal and illegal Mexican immigrants come in yearly? But, you’re asking that I believe less than 400,000 so-called African can increase the so-call Negroes in the United States population to 40 plus million? That’s a lot of mating, I wonder with who, since most of the slave population were men, Isn’t the one drop rule still racist? Let me get this straight; you’re not born there, not a citizen, you don’t know anyone there, you don’t speak the language, don’t know any of their custom or traditions and the only similarities are skin color even if your skin ain’t black. Mnnn… Anyway after looking up the word African American I think every group should preface their nationality with African since they say everyone is from Africa. i.e. African Norwegian, African Cambodian, African Jamaicans or African Nigerian etc. And what about Hawaiians are they African Hawaiians Americans? Well, I guess I’ll just have to call those mind fuks at ’23andMe’ to explain this shix to me.


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