The Founding of Washington D.C. Few Americans even know the date or circumstances for founding of the Federal Government in Washington D.C. where the US President, Congress and the Supreme Law of the Land rule. Washington D.C. was created by with the Organic Act of 1871, February 23, 1871. This is when Congress created the USA Corporation. This, along with the passage of the 14th amendment which did not free the African Americans as advertised, but made us all 2nd class US Citizens under corporate rule and charter. On June 20, 1874, the President with advice of Senate abolished and replaced the 1871 government with a commission consisting of three persons. 18 Stat. at L. 116, chap. 337. A subsequent act approved June 11, 1878 (20 Stat. at L. 102, chap. 180) was enacted stating that the District of Columbia should ‘remain and continue a municipal corporation,’ as provided in 2 of the Revised Statutes relating to said District brought forward from the act of 1871. “The Act of June 11, 1878 (20 Stat. chap. 180), a permanent form of government for the District was established. It provided …and that the commissioners therein provided for should be deemed and taken as officers of such corporation.” The District of Columbia v. Henry E. Woodbury, 136 U.S. 472 (1890) Our currency and court systems are still based on Roman Latin Law. One needs a Latin dictionary to decipher English law, yet few even know what the word ‘Latin’ even means or where the word is derived. Our money, or ‘one-eye’, system of exchange is all based on Roman Catholic laws created with the first Cestui Que Vie trusts by Pope Boniface, VII in 1306. This is when he and the Vatican Congress declared the Pope to be the trustee of all of Jesus Christs’ holdings on Earth, including the reaping of all lands and souls. These trusts are still in place in our western legal systems of today. BAR, as in BAR attorney, which most US attorneys belong to, stands for British Accredited Registry, a corporation domiciled in the City of London, England. US courts are for-profit corporations and attorneys are beholden to the courts or they cannot practice. Therefore, US lawyers who are BAR members, are registered to the Crown of England, whose corporate papers are registered away from any country law in Puerto Rico. Civil law is based on the Law of the Seas or Maritime Law, so to keep humans “ungrounded” and not under the “law of the land”. This is also why in court we go to into court on our citizenship, partnership, relationship, ownership, membership, leadership, friendship, etc. And we enter through the docket, opened by the bailiff. Therefore, in court you will see the American flag with yellow fringes and a tassel, and why we have bailiffs and enter the courts through a gate, called a docket. Our monetary system is also derived from the Romans and Maritime Law of the Sea that the Romans have controlled since the days of Alexandria and Cleopatra. This is why we put our money in a river bank, with our currency (current-sea) holding our deposit slips while we account for our money (a piece of paper with ink on it) in liquid and frozen assets. It is not coincidence that the Vatican Roman Catholic Church is also known as the Holy See(a)! With great help from all our willful ignorances, they have created a legal fictitious person in a contractual obligation through ‘corps-orations,’ meaning that we are all considered dead human ‘resources’, or chattel (cattle) in the eyes of the law. Your birth (berth) certificate was created in 1927 and only the mother’s surname is used on the document, if you were born in a hospital. The hospital is paid by the US government to register your baby at birth. ‘Regis’ means ‘crown’ and ‘ster’ means ‘to enroll’ in their corporation. So when you sign your name to a document the US birth certificate includes a registered securitized number that is pledged as collateral to the banksters since the time when the US declared bankruptcy in 1933. This ever-increasing debt has never been paid off, only accrued. After WWII, the bankers had to have collateral for the massive US debt incurred, so they securitized us as “collateral” against the debt of all of us since our birth. The Founding of Washington D.C. Few Americans even know the date or circumstances for founding of the Federal Government in Washington D.C. where the US President, Congress and the Supreme Law of the Land rule. Washington D.C. was created by with the Organic Act of 1871, February 23, 1871. This is when Congress created the USA Corporation. This, along with the passage of the 14th amendment which did not free the African Americans as advertised, but made us all 2nd class US Citizens under corporate rule and charter. On June 20, 1874, the President with advice of Senate abolished and replaced the 1871 government with a commission consisting of three persons. 18 Stat. at L. 116, chap. 337. A subsequent act approved June 11, 1878 (20 Stat. at L. 102, chap. 180) was enacted stating that the District of Columbia should ‘remain and continue a municipal corporation,’ as provided in 2 of the Revised Statutes relating to said District brought forward from the act of 1871. “The Act of June 11, 1878 (20 Stat. chap. 180), a permanent form of government for the District was established. It provided …and that the commissioners therein provided for should be deemed and taken as officers of such corporation.” The District of Columbia v. Henry E. Woodbury, 136 U.S. 472 (1890) Our currency and court systems are still based on Roman Latin Law. One needs a Latin dictionary to decipher English law, yet few even know what the word ‘Latin’ even means or where the word is derived. Our money, or ‘one-eye’, system of exchange is all based on Roman Catholic laws created with the first Cestui Que Vie trusts by Pope Boniface, VII in 1306. This is when he and the Vatican Congress declared the Pope to be the trustee of all of Jesus Christs’ holdings on Earth, including the reaping of all lands and souls. These trusts are still in place in our western legal systems of today. BAR, as in BAR attorney, which most US attorneys belong to, stands for British Accredited Registry, a corporation domiciled in the City of London, England. US courts are for-profit corporations and attorneys are beholden to the courts or they cannot practice. Therefore, US lawyers who are BAR members, are registered to the Crown of England, whose corporate papers are registered away from any country law in Puerto Rico. Civil law is based on the Law of the Seas or Maritime Law, so to keep humans “ungrounded” and not under the “law of the land”. This is also why in court we go to into court on our citizenship, partnership, relationship, ownership, membership, leadership, friendship, etc. And we enter through the docket, opened by the bailiff. Therefore, in court you will see the American flag with yellow fringes and a tassel, and why we have bailiffs and enter the courts through a gate, called a docket. Our monetary system is also derived from the Romans and Maritime Law of the Sea that the Romans have controlled since the days of Alexandria and Cleopatra. This is why we put our money in a river bank, with our currency (current-sea) holding our deposit slips while we account for our money (a piece of paper with ink on it) in liquid and frozen assets. It is not coincidence that the Vatican Roman Catholic Church is also known as the Holy See(a)! With great help from all our willful ignorances, they have created a legal fictitious person in a contractual obligation through ‘corps-orations,’ meaning that we are all considered dead human ‘resources’, or chattel (cattle) in the eyes of the law. Your birth (berth) certificate was created in 1927 and only the mother’s surname is used on the document, if you were born in a hospital. The hospital is paid by the US government to register your baby at birth. ‘Regis’ means ‘crown’ and ‘ster’ means ‘to enroll’ in their corporation. So when you sign your name to a document the US birth certificate includes a registered securitized number that is pledged as collateral to the banksters since the time when the US declared bankruptcy in 1933. This ever-increasing debt has never been paid off, only accrued. After WWII, the bankers had to have collateral for the massive US debt incurred, so they securitized us as “collateral” against the debt of all of us since our birth.
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