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Ancient Homo-sapien-sapiens (Modern Man), first began to leave Africa at about 60,000 B.C. These Africans had two great migrations East.

The “First” (OOA) migration, saw Blacks with straight hair, taking a route along the coast of Asia, and then “Island hopping” across the Indian Ocean to Australia – the Australian Aborigine (see below). And then making their way to South America – the remains called “Luzia” in Brazil.

The second (OOA) migration event, saw Blacks from Africa; some with straight hair and “Mongol features” (see; San people below), take an “Inland route” through southern Asia and on up to China (about 50-45,000 B.C.) where they settled.

Included with this group, were straight haired Blacks “without” Mongol features – now called “Dravidians” who stayed close to Africa, and settled in India and other areas of southern Asia (see below). Read more on: ://…/world_history/ancient/China_2.htm

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