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black slave holders

The Black Slave Holders were descendants of Black Europeans, mulatto children of slave owners and Indentured servants not ADOS

Chattel slavery was began by a Black Indentured Servant Anthony Johnson was one of the first African Americans to have finished his services as an indentured servant and become a landowner on the Eastern Shore and slave-owner himself.In 1654, John Casor became the first legal slave in America. Anthony Johnson, previously an African indentured slave, claimed John Casor as his slave. The Northampton County rule against Casor, and declared him propter for life by Anthony Johnson.Since Africans were not English, they were not covered by the English Common Law. ADOS did not begin slavery.

this is not irony. You have to remember there were many Black British elites around this time. These Blacks did not identify wit Africa because their home was England, Anthony/Antonio Johnson had come from England aboard the James in 1621 James (ship) – Wikipedia James (ship) – Wikipedia Was it that the black slave holders in America were from among elite blacks in England, who didnt identify with Africa, and therefore, would have looked at himself as being above the blacks here….even though they looked phenotypically alike? Correct. Don’t forget historically caucasian Europeans have looked down on other Europeans e,g, British vs Irish The Africans built pyramids all over the United States! To see where the pyramids are located in your state, ask google! Always remember African history in America didn’t begin with slavery.

we know. Here is the history of the Afro-American

This post came up to me this morning!…/Tennessees_Ancient_Pygmy… Tennessee’s Ancient Pygmy Graveyards: The “Wonder of the Western Country” Tennessee’s Ancient Pygmy Graveyards: The “Wonder of the Western Country”

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