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ancient greece


Caucasians have become so used to their delusional history stories, that they have come to truly believe them….

This fabricated concept of themselves, is obviously so satisfying, and so ingrained, that it has become delusional…

Of course, there is absolutely no reason why a reasonably intelligent human being, would ever think that the ancient Greeks, Etruscans & Romans were so called white people, but then again, reason and intelligent thought, have nothing to do with this:

This is about a “Need” to believe…

This persistence in thinking, is then clearly not intellectual, put rather purely emotional…

Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong…(white superiority)

When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted…

And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief…

All over the former civilized ancient world, the current so called white occupiers and their mulattoes, claim to be the descendants of the original Black inhabitants…

Further still, they claim that the original Black people were in fact, just like them – Whites and mulattoes.

But most incredibly, in places where there are still Black descendants of the Black ancients – they teach them that they were brought there as Slaves!

Clearly caucasians have a predisposition to delusion, fantasy, and lying…

Without their made-up history – at the expense of Black history – they really wouldn’t have much history at all…

As I have said many times, on many posts on this page, the Pale man has created a “Fantasy History” for himself…

This is because the Pale man has no history of his own, as he was a VERY LATE COMER to civilized lands and people, and but a primitive bit player in the history lived and created by highly advanced Black people…

But the Pale man ultimately triumphed, via genocide, oppression, thievery, kidnapping, lying, deception & manipulation…

Thus he gets to tell the story, and in his retelling of Black history, he has made himself the Black people he tells us about…

To the Caucasian there is a weapon just as effective as the Sword or Gun – THE LIE!

One thing that we can depend upon Caucasians for, is the most outrageous lies possible…

As usual, when it comes to Black people and Black history, White people can and will, lie about everything

They have been falsifying Black history (the only kind really), for hundreds of years now…

But as one would expect when Caucasians have complete control of historical materials, they make-up things, and create fakes to support their bogus history…

As we know, these late comers to civilization have been on a mission for the last few centuries to obliterate so called Blacks from history, and falsely insert themselves…

Genetic distances are closer between Greeks and Ethiopian/Sub-Saharan groups than to any other Mediterranean group


In April of 2013, National Geographic published a study which “Admits” that Africans were the Original settlers of Europe…

And Also “Admits” that MODERN Europeans are newcomers…

Quote from study:

“The first modern humans to reach Europe arrived from Africa 35,000 to 40,000 years ago. By about 30,000 years ago, they were widespread throughout the area while their close cousins, the Neanderthals, disappeared”


The name PELASGIANS refers to populations that were either the ancestors of the Greeks or preceded the Greeks in Greece, “a hold-all term for any ancient, primitive and presumably INDIGENOUS people in the Greek world”

Elsewhere “Pelasgian” in Herodotus connotes anything typical of, or surviving from, the state of things in Greece before the coming of the Hellenes…

In this sense all Greece was once “Pelasgic”;

Modern writers have either been content to restate or amplify the view, ascribed to Ephorus, that “Pelasgian” simply means “prehistoric Greek,”

According to Greek mythology and legendary prehistory of the Aegean region, the MINYANS were an AUTOCHTHONOUS group inhabiting the Aegean region…

AUTOCHTHONES are the ORIGINAL inhabitants of a country as opposed to settlers…

“The ancient Etrurians had the countenances of Negroes, the same as the images of Buddha in India”


(Godfrey Higgins, “Anacalypsis”; 1874)

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