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america in plain sight

AMERICA—Hidden In Plain Sight

Where is Ancient Israel if Modern Israel was created on May 14, 1948?

The biblical Old and New Testament writings were describing a land that could not be found in the so called 'Middle East,' with a fortress city called Jerusalem in a 'very high mountain' and with massive, colossal walls that can not be found in the place now being called Jerusalem...

Where is Ancient Greece if Modern Greece was established in 1830?

The modern Greek cities don't fit the Ancient descriptions, including Ancient Greek historians who wrote that Greece had hardly no harbors for ships and no rivers in the land!

That's not describing the place now calling itself Greece. Or rather, it is not describing the place that began calling itself Greece in 1830...

Where is ancient Turkey if modern Turkey was created in 1923?

The ORIGINAL place called Turkey, in the ancient writings, was given that name because of the abundance of turkeys found in that land, and; the 'pilgrims' famously, didn’t have what they needed to survive but thought it absolutely necessary to bring with them the book, 'The Complete history of Turkey’

“The turkey is a large bird in the genus Meleagris, which was native ONLY to the Americas."

They knew ancient ‘Turkey’ was in the America’s, where the Turkeys were...

Ancient Troy was known to be absolutely in the place called ‘Turkey’, where the Turkeys were...

It’s famed walls and the rest of the city are still there...

There are many places today claiming to be ruined historic sites and actual cities in the histories and ancient records with no evidence...

Many scholars who note the contradictions of these places not fitting the descriptions in these ancient records are dubbed "minimalist"

They insist that the actual histories are exaggerated events or that they never happened...

Todays "conscious community" loves to say these places never existed...

They don't understand that the geography explained in the records are speaking of other places...

Greece and others did not spring up in the places they are claiming today...

The records show they built their cities on top of older cities Egypt built...

They chose the same sites where the famed events of their gods (actual founders) took place...

Many of those places today are tourist attractions only

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