"A DISSERTATION OF THE AMERICAN" AMER'ICAN, (noun) A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America. THE HIJACK!!! THE AMERICAN ABORIGINE AND 524 YEARS OF EUROPEAN COLONIZATION!!! "We grant you [Kings of Spain and Portugal] by these present documents, with our Apostolic Authority, full and free permission to invade, search out, capture, and subjugate the Saracens and pagans and any other unbelievers and enemies of Christ wherever they may be, as well as their kingdoms, duchies, counties, principalities, and other property [...] and to reduce their persons into perpetual servitude." 1492 - By the time Christopher Columbus set sail in 1492, this Doctrine of Discovery was a well-established idea in the Christian world. When he reached the Americas, Columbus performed a ceremony to "take possession" of all lands "discovered," meaning all territory not occupied by Christians. 1493 - Upon his return to Europe in 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued the bull Inter Cetera, granting Spain the right to conquer the lands that Columbus had already "discovered" and all lands that it might come upon in the future. This decree also expressed the Pope's wish to convert the natives of these lands to Catholicism in order to strengthen the "Christian Empire." THE PHYSIOGNOMY OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. "Marcellinus was a different story. Even if he was garbed like a Hesperian, his skin color would have marked him out. His olive Mediterranean complexion differed from the Tawnier hue of the Haudenosaunee." Eagle in Exile by Alan Smale pg. 68 TAWNY - of an orange-brown or yellowish-brown color; "tan-colored," late 14c., from Anglo-French tauné "of or like the brownish-yellow of tanned leather," from Old French tanét "dark brown, tan." "A general description of the Indian tells us that the Aboriginal of America is tall, straight of stature, and muscular, having coarse black hair, well formed limbs, deep chests, brown or copper colored complexion, head a little flat, prominent nose, compressed lips, dark eyes and possessed of a great power of endurance." The American Indian (Uh-nish-in-na-ba) pg. 232 by Elijah Middlebrook Haines Of the Iroquois, "It is contended that the complexion of the Indian has had the tendency to grow darker and darker... If we accept this as a sound view, which, however, carried to its logical sequence, should have evolved, one would imagine, the Negro out of the Indian long are this, why may we not, in the way of argument, fairly and legitimately provoked by the theory, look for and consider the converse picture the gradual approach in his complexion to the Anglo-Saxon type? If we entertain this counter-proposition, it will then be a question between its operation, and his marriage with the white, as to which explains the fact of the decline now of the dark complexion with the Indian." American Indian's History by Fritz Zimmerman During 1540-1541, De Soto “visits” the Cherokee and is supposedly one of the first whites seen by the tribe, although written descriptions of the tribe by the Spanish note the wide range of colors in the tribe, from “Negro” to light skinned and “fair,” according to Moyano and Pardo. Coloring and identity, Part 2.75: When Colonial Racism Meets Reality. "Cherokee complexion was bronze with a copper tint, but the "red man" label given to the Indians by the Europeans was because of the red paint used on their faces and bodies during war and at certain ceremonial dances, not because of their complexion." America's First Western Frontier, East Tennessee: A Story of the Early Settlers and Indians of East Tennessee by Brenda C. Calloway And this story is repeated over and over again in reference to the many Melanated so called Negro Tribes in the Americas; the Copper Colored races. (See C.S. Rafinesque, Samuel Morton) THE ABORIGINES OF INDIA WERE THE ANASA. WERE THE ABORIGINES OF AMERICA THE ANASA-ZI??? The Aboriginal Race of India was called the Anasa. According to Upinder Singh, author of A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India 3/ Varna in the Rig Veda; "In three places in the Rig Veda, the term krishna-tvach or asiknitvach is applied to the Dasyus or Dasas (an aboriginal people in India who were encountered by the Indo-European-speaking peoples who entered northern India about 1500 BCE. They were described by the Indo-Europeans as a dark-skinned, harsh-spoken people) This can be interpreted literally as 'dark-skinned' or as a figuritive use of darkness. In one passage, they are described as Anasa." ANASA in Sankrit is masculine, which means "indestructible and undivided." In Mandarin the suffix - ZI means "offspring, child, son." A Grammar of Mandarin by Jeroen Wiedenhof. pg 308
ANASAZI were an Aboriginal Race of America, known as the Ancient Ones; or the Ancient Enemies of the Navajo, the Athabaskan tribe of Mongols that migrated from Canada via the Bering Strait into North America about 1350 AD. So, ANASA-ZI can be defined in Sankrit and Mandarin to mean the indestructible and undivided offspring, child, son that were known as the Ancient Ones and Enemy Ancestors. If the dark -skinned Aborigines of India were the Anasa, who encountered the Indo-European Vedics; and the Mongols that migrated into North America encountered the Anasazi, these "Ancient Ones" that were already in the Americas, who they called the "Enemy Ancestors;" who would this be??? Unfortunately photography wasn't commercially introduced until 1839, so the majority of the pictures of the American Aborigines are actually the Negroes photographed throughout American History from the late 1830's until this day. However, before photography the skills of reputable European artists and cartographers like Jacob Van Meurs, and the descriptions from writers such as Arnoldus Montanus and John Ogilby; were considered the most accurate depictions of the time. If the aboriginal people, the ancient natives of America were all depicted and illustrated in the late 1400's to the 1800's as Copper Colored, from the darkest brown to the tawniest tan, with the physiognomy of the Negro; why would respected Europeans portray and state that they were if they weren't? #Enlightenment #TELLTHETRUTH!!! #Awakening