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Fyi white skin is simply a mutation not advantages even in cold weather. The sun shine in the cold too plus white skin is thin burns quick in cold weather. When white animals are born in wild like Giraffes, Apes etc they are usually left behind ostracized. This happened and when whites 1st came about. They still hunt albinos in Africa today. Euro whites make up 10% of world. Racism, lies and bigotry ewual survival. All white tv is to make their numbers seem larger. Leaving barbarity is very recent for most whites especially the ones that rule the world today. Descendants of Germanics/Goths. 1st pic is how they were described red hair blue eyes skin not built for too hot or cold. over the course of their history by another group of related names including the variations Asi, As, and Os (Bulgarian Uzi, Hungarian Jász, Russian Jasy, Georgian Osi). It is this name that is the root of the modern Ossetian. Migratory path of the Alan’s Early Alans The first mentions of names that historians link with the “Alani” appear at almost the same time in Greco-Roman geography and in the Chinese dynastic chronicles. The Geography (XXIII, 11) of Strabo (63/64 BC–ca. 24 AD), who was born in Pontus on the Black Sea, but was also working with Persian sources, to judge from the forms he gives to tribal names, mentions Aorsi that he links with Siraces and claims that a Spadines, king of the Aorsi, could assemble two hundred thousand mounted archers in the mid-1st century BC. But the “upper Aorsi” from whom they had split as fugitives, could send many more, for they dominated the coastal region of the Caspian Sea: “and consequently they could import on camels the Indian and Babylonian merchandise, receiving it in their turn from the Armenians and the Medes, and also, owing to their wealth, could wear golden ornaments. Now the Aorsi live along the Tanaïs, but the Siraces live along the Achardeüs, which flows from the Caucasus and empties into Lake Maeotis.” Chapter 123 of the Shiji (whose author, Sima Qian, died circa 90 BC) reports: The mouth of the Syr Darya or Jaxartes River, which emptied into the Aral Sea was approximately 850 km northwest of the oasis of Tashkent which was an important centre of the Kangju confederacy. This provides remarkable confirmation of the account in the Shiji. The Later Han Dynasty Chinese chronicle, the Hou Hanshu, (covering the period 25–220 and completed in the 5th century), mentioned a report that the steppe land Yancai was now known as Alanliao: The 3rd century Weilüe states: By the beginning of the 1st century, the Alans had occupied lands in the northeast Azov Sea area, along the Don and by the 2nd century had amalgamated or joined with the Yancai of the early Chinese records to extend their control all the way along the trade routes from the Black Sea to the north of the Caspian and Aral seas. The written sources suggest that from the end of the 1st century to the second half of the 4th century the Alans had supremacy over the tribal union and created a powerful confederation of Sarmatian tribes. From a Western point-of-view the Alans presented a serious problem for the Roman Empire, with incursions into both the Danubian and the Caucasian provinces in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Ammianus Marcellinus considered the Alans to be the former Massagetae: “the Alani, who were formerly called the Massagetae” and stated “Nearly all the Alani are men of great stature and beauty; their hair is somewhat yellow, their eyes are terribly fierce”.. In Cathay and the Way Thither, 1866, Henry Yule writes: The Alans were known to the Chinese by that name, in the ages immediately preceding and following the Christian era, as dwelling near the Aral, in which original position they are believed to have been closely akin to, if not identical with, the famous Massagetæ. Hereabouts also Ptolemy (vi, 14) appears to place the Alani-Scythæ, and Alanæan Mountains. From about 40 B.C. the emigrations of the Alans seem to have been directed westward to the Lower Don; here they are placed in the first century by Josephus and by the Armenian writers; and hence they are found issuing in the third century to ravage the rich provinces of Asia Minor. In 376 the deluge of the Huns on its westward course came upon the Alans and overwhelmed them. Great numbers of Alans are found to have joined the conquerors on their further progress, and large bodies of Alans afterwards swelled the waves of Goths, Vandals, and Sueves, that rolled across the Western Empire. A portion of the Alans, however, after the Hun invasion retired into the plains adjoining Caucasus, and into the lower valleys of that region, where they maintained the name and nationality which the others speedily lost. Little is heard of these Caucasian Alans for many centuries, except occasionally as mercenary soldiers of the Byzantine emperors or the Persian kings. In the thirteenth century they made a stout resistance to the Mongol conquerors, and though driven into the mountains they long continued their forays on the tracts subjected to the Tartar dynasty that settled on the Wolga, so that the Mongols had to maintain posts with strong garrisons to keep them in check. They were long redoutable both as warriors and as armourers, but by the end of the fourteenth century they seem to have come thoroughly under the Tartar rule; for they fought on the side of Toctamish Khan of Sarai against the great Timur. Migration to Gaul Around 370, the Alans were overwhelmed by the Huns. They were divided into several groups, some of whom fled westward. A portion of these western Alans joined the Vandals and the Sueves in their invasion of Roman Gaul. Gregory of Tours mentions in his Liber historiae Francorum (“Book of Frankish History”) that the Alan king Respendial saved the day for the Vandals in an armed encounter with the Franks at the crossing of the Rhine on December 31, 406). According to Gregory, another group of Alans, led by Goar, crossed the Rhine at the same time, but immediately joined the Romans and settled in Gaul. In Gaul, the Alans originally led by Goar were settled by Aetius in several areas, notably around Orléans and Valentia. Under Goar, they allied with the Burgundians led by Gundaharius, with whom they installed the usurping Emperor Jovinus. Under Goar’s successor Sangiban, the Alans of Orléans played a critical role in repelling the invasion of Attila the Hun at the Battle of Châlons. After the 5th century, however, the Alans of Gaul were subsumed in the territorial struggles between the Franks and the Visigoths, and ceased to have an independent existence. Flavius Aëtius settled large numbers of Alans in and around Armorica in order to quell unrest. The Breton language name Alan (rather than the French Alain) and several towns with names related to ‘Alan’, such as Allainville, Yvelines, Alainville-en Beauce, Loiret, Allaines and Allainville, Eure-et-Loir, and Les Allains, Eure, are taken as evidence that a contingent settled in Armorica, Brittany, which retained a reputation for outstanding horsemanship with Gregory of Tours and into the Middle Ages, preferring to remain mounted to fight in contrast with all their neighbors, who dismounted in battle. Hispania and Africa Following the fortunes of the Vandals and Suevi into the Iberian peninsula (Hispania, comprising modern Portugal and Spain) in 409, the Alans led by Respendial settled in the provinces of Lusitania and Carthaginiensis: “Alani Lusitaniam et Carthaginiensem provincias, et Wandali cognomine Silingi Baeticam sortiuntur” (Hydatius). The Siling Vandals settled in Baetica, the Suevi in coastal Gallaecia, and the Asding Vandals in the rest of Gallaecia. In 418 (or 426 according to some authors, cf. e.g. Castritius, 2007), the Alan king, Attaces, was killed in battle against the Visigoths, and this branch of the Alans subsequently appealed to the Asding Vandal king Gunderic to accept the Alan crown. The separate ethnic identity of Respendial’s Alans dissolved. Although some of these Alans are thought to have remained in Iberia, most went to North Africa with the Vandals in 429. Later Vandal kings in North Africa styled themselves Rex Wandalorum et Alanorum (“King of the Vandals and Alans”). There are some vestiges of the Alans in Portugal, namely in Alenquer (whose name may be Germanic for the Temple of the Alans, from “Alen Ker”, and whose castle may have been established by them; the Alaunt is still represented in that city’s coat of arms), in the construction of the castles of Torres Vedras and Almourol, and in the city walls of Lisbon, where vestigies of their presence may be found under the foundations of the Church of Santa Luzia. In the Iberian peninsula the Alans settled in Lusitania (cf. Alentejo) and the Cartaginense provinces. They became known in retrospect for their massive hunting and fighting dog of Molosser type, the Alaunt, which they apparently introduced to Europe. The breed is extinct, but its name is carried by a Spanish breed of dog still called Alano, traditionally used in boar hunting and cattle herding. The Alano name, however, has historically been used for a number of dog breeds in a few European countries thought to descend from the original dog of the Alans, such as the German mastiff (Great Dane) and the French Dogue du Bordeaux, among others. Alans and Slavs Third-century inscriptions from the Greek colony of Tanais at the mouth of the Don River mention a nearby Alan tribe called the Choroatos or Chorouatos. The historian Ptolemy identifies the Serboi as a tribe who lived north of the Caucasus, and other sources identify the Serboi as an Alan tribe in the Volga-Don steppe in the 3rd century. Some historians argue that the arrival of the Huns on the European steppe forced a portion of Alans previously living there to move northwest into the land of Venedes, possibly merging with Western Balts there to become the precursors of historic Slav nations.) It’s believed that some Alans resettled to the North (Barsils), merging with Volga Bulgars and Burtas, eventually transforming to Volga Tatars Medieval Alania Some of the other Alans remained under the rule of the Huns. Those of the eastern division, though dispersed about the steppes until late medieval times, were forced by the Mongols into the Caucasus, where they remain as the Ossetians. Between the 9th and 12th centuries, they formed a network of tribal alliances that gradually evolved into the Christian kingdom of Alania. Most Alans submitted to the Mongol Empire in 1239–1277. They participated in Mongol invasions of Europe and the Song Dynasty in Southern China, and the Battle of Kulikovo under Mamai of the Golden Horde. In 1253, the Franciscan monk William of Rubruck reported numerous Europeans in Central Asia. It is also known that 30,000 Alans formed the royal guard (Asud) of the Yuan court in Dadu (Beijing). Marco Polo later reported their role in the Yuan Dynasty in his book Il Milione. It’s said that those Alans contributed to a modern Mongol clan, Asud. John of Montecorvino, archbishop of Dadu (Khanbaliq), reportedly converted many Alans to Roman Catholic Christianity. The linguistic descendants of the Alans, who live in the autonomous republics of Russia and Georgia, speak the Ossetic language which belongs to the Northeastern Iranian language group and is the only remnant of the Scytho-Sarmatian dialect continuum and which once stretched over much of the Pontic steppe and Central Asia. Modern Ossetic has two major dialects: Digor, spoken in the western part of North Ossetia; and Iron, spoken in the rest of Ossetia. A third branch of Ossetic, Jassic (Jász), was formerly spoken in Hungary. The literary language, based on the Iron dialect, was fixed by the national poet, Kosta Xetagurov (1859–1906). The Germanics Migratory path of the Visagoths (Germanics) The Visigoths In 376, the Goths, long-standing traders with and mercenaries for the Roman Empire, who were settled in large numbers on the north bank of the Danube, came under aggressive attack from the Huns. Their leader came to an agreement with the Emperor Valens that they would be given lands and allowed to settle on the Mediterranean side of the Danube; however, there was a famine, the emperor reneged on his promise and the Goths attacked, killing the emperor at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 and decimating the Roman field army. The Goths were inside the empire to stay, soon becoming known as the Visigoths (originally a tribal name, which became identified as meaning ‘Western Goths’). From then on, they alternately made peace with various Roman emperors and generals and were double-crossed by them. Eventually they sacked Rome under Alaric in 410 (the incident that led Augustine to write his City of God). They were asked by Honorius to help drive the Vandals out of Spain, and settled in the Aquitaine in 418, the nucleus of what would become, by 475, an independent Visigothic kingdom covering most of the Iberian peninsula. The Ostrogoths The Ostrogoths were a second wave of Goths from the around the Crimean, who had been a subject part of Attila’s kingdom, but rebelled in the early 450s. They settled within the Roman Empire, on the Dalmatian coast, and were sent by the Byzantine emperor Zeno to take back Italy from Odoacer, who had deposed the last nominal Roman emperor of the West, Romulus Augustulus, in 476. Theodoric, the great Ostrogothic general, did so, inviting Odoacer to a banquet in 493 and killing him at the table. Theodoric ruled from Ravenna, where his mausoleum survives, together with several churches he had decorated with beautiful mosaics. Germanic countries – Great Britain, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Spain, portugal, Scandinavians (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islanders, not Sami). The Franks The Franks were a loose group of Black tribes who inhabited the Upper Rhine, a number of whom were living within the bounds of the empire from the mid-fourth century. They were further displaced in the early fifth century, partly by skirmishes with the Vandals, Sueves and Alans, as the latter made their way down the Rhine to escape from the Huns, and partly by the Huns themselves. They spread into Northern Gaul, following and continuing to skirmish with the other tribes. Two successful leaders, Childeric (who reigned c.457 – 481) and his son Clovis (who reigned 481-511), established Frankish dominance more securely there, ruling most of France north of the Loire. Clovis’ decision to convert to the Nicene version of Christianity in 496 may have been decisive for its re-establishment in Western Europe, as the Frankish kingdom continued to prosper. Angles, Saxons and Jutes The Angles came from Schleswig-Holstein, the Saxons from Lower Saxony, and the Jutes from Jutland. They arrived in south-east England from the 440s on, and gradually extended across to the North and West over the next two centuries. They may have been invited initially by the Britons to help protect them from the raids of the Picts and Scots. These appear to have been Black and Albino people. The Slavs According to the “Eastern Homeland theory” prior to becoming known to the Roman world, Slavic speaking tribes were part of the many multi-ethnic confederacies of Eurasia – such as the Sarmatian, Hun and Gothic empires. The Slavs emerged from obscurity when the westward movement of Germans in the 5th and 6th centuries A.D. (thought to be in conjunction with the movement of peoples from Siberia and Eastern Europe: Huns, and later Avars and Bulgars): started the great migration of the Slavs, who settled the lands abandoned by Germanic tribes fleeing the Huns and their allies. They moved westward into the country between the Oder and the Elbe-Saale line; southward into Bohemia, Moravia, much of present day Austria, the Pannonian plain and the Balkans; and northward along the upper Dnieper river. Perhaps some Slavs migrated with the movement of the Vandals to Iberia and north Africa. Around the 6th century, Slavs appeared on Byzantine borders in great numbers. The Byzantine records note that grass wouldn’t regrow in places where the Slavs had marched through, so great were their numbers. After military movements, even the Peloponnese and Asia Minor (Turkey) were reported to have Slavic settlements. By the end of the 6th century A.D, Slavs had settled the Eastern Alps region. Slavic peoples are classified geographically and linguistically into West Slavic (including Czechs, Kashubians, Moravians, Poles, Silesians, Slovaks and Sorbs), East Slavic (including Belarusians, Russians, Rusyns and Ukrainians), and South Slavic (including Bosniaks, Bulgarians, Croats, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Serbs and Slovenes). Slavic countries – Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Italy – mixed Slav/Germanic Greece – Mixed, mostly Slav Armenia – mixed Slav/Turk Algeria – mixed Berber/Germanic Tunisia – mixed Germanic/Berber The Turks The last remaining Whites in Asia, the Turks (before admixture with indigenous Black Anatolians, they were originally Albinos too), were chased out of Asia by the yellow Mongols. Little is known about the origins of the Turkic peoples, and much of their history even up to the time of the Mongol conquests in the 10th–13th A.D. is shrouded in obscurity. Chinese documents of the 6th century A.D. refer to the empire of the T’u-chüeh as consisting of two parts, the northern and western Turks. This empire submitted to the nominal suzerainty of the Chinese T’ang dynasty in the 7th century, but the northern Turks regained their independence in 682 and retained it until 744 A.D. The Orhon inscriptions, the oldest known Turkic records (8th century A.D.), refer to this empire and particularly to the confederation of Turkic tribes known as the Oguz; to the Uighur, who lived along the Selenga River (in present-day Mongolia); and to the Kyrgyz, who lived along the Yenisey River (in north-central Russia). When able to escape the domination of the T’ang dynasty, these northern Turkic groups fought each other for control of Mongolia from the 8th to the 11th century, when the Oguz migrated westward into Persia and Afghanistan. In Persia the family of Oguz tribes known as Seljuqs created an empire that by the late 11th century stretched from the Amu Darya south to the Persian Gulf and from the Indus River west to the Mediterranean Sea. Turkic peoples – Göktürks, Seljuks, Khazars (Jews), Mughals, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Chuvash, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Uighur, Uzbek, and Sakha, Hephthalites. Turkic Countries – Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Northern Cyprus (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus). Countries with large populations of ethnic Turks and Turkic culture: Egypt, Iran, Libya, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Bahrain. (Note: Just as modern Christian culture is far removed from ancient Hebrew culture – it is now European culture. So too is modern Arab culture far removed from original Arab culture – it is now Turkish culture. During the time of the Turkish Ottoman Empire (1299 – 1922), Islam was not known as the Arab religion, it was known as the Turkish religion). The Thawb (Arab Robes) Emblematic of Arab culture, is not Arab at all. The original Arabs, like the Egyptians, Berbers, Mesopotamian’s, Elamites/Persians: had Black skin, they did not need the Head to Toe protection from the Sun, that the Thawb affords. It is not known who invented the Thawb, but it is known that even though the Turks once ruled from Baghdad, they hated to go there because of the hot climate and burning Sunshine. Being that the original Turks were a very pale skinned people who needed protection from the Sun, it is likely that they invented the Thawb. Last pics are of True North Africans and And Middle Easterners were are are Black show by these Ancient artifacts in last few pics.

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